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My version of how to gain might for a beginner (Silver version)

TRAIN Put your silver into training (Character, Train) In the beginning it will be very cheap and give a lot of + stats. Keep doing this until the negative stats start to outnumber the + stats.


ASTROLOGY BLESSING as long as you are caught up on your normal astrology, go to the blessing panel of astrology and pump in some silver. It will add to every stat and doesn't cost too much in the beginning. 


ENHANCE your equipment. Catch everything up to your level as it will add not only to each piece of equipments stat but then you will get an attack bonus when everything is +40, +50 etc.


SEALS you need to put in a little at first to get yourself some blue and purple seals and level them decently. Do not spend any of your seal points until you have enough to buy an orange seal as they are hard to get. Try to put a little silver in daily so that you can easily save up for orange seals later on.

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